Thursday 1 December 2011

Three rounds of IVF, two kids, and 36.7 pounds later....

My husband and I spent six years trying to get pregnant before taking the IVF journey that blessed us with our two sweet wonderful rascals. We never got a fix on what the problem was, kind of a mix apparently: a bit of this, not enough of that. Regardless, babies were not coming on their own.

I wonder now, though, how much of the problem may have been too much me. Now that I've dropped a rather significant amount off of me, I suddenly have a cycle much more as one would expect. While during all the years of charting, plotting, prodding, and, frankly, sobbing I was "regular but long" with a 35-day cycle. Now, three months on plan, my cycle has progressively shortened to a perfect 28.


Our family is exactly as its meant to be but I do wonder how much my weight affected our fertility. I'm sure it was a complex combination of factors but if I'd known how dramatic the weight-loss could be...

No matter, our family is as we wish. But to anyone struggling with the heartbreak of "trying", if weight-loss has the potential to help with your journey, I now believe it may be a more powerful step than I'd known and I wish you every success.

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