Wonderful New Features of Me!

An updated list of "things that have changed" now that I am 47lbs lighter:
- I have new dimples/laugh lines that I guess used to be hidden by chubby cheeks
- I fit a size medium (!) jacket but the sleeves are to short
- when I cross my arms and hold my upper-arm it doesn't feel like mine, too small
- my butt is just weird, doesn't feel like mine, can see lots of it just by looking behind me
- I seem to be more flexible but really it's just that I can bend further without "me" in the way
- I am dropping sizes with just a few pounds.  It's all relative so now that I am smaller it takes just a bit of loss to see a difference whereas it took a significant loss to feel the difference at first
- I turn to "squeeze" through a gap and find I fit just fine
- everyone is commenting: everyone.  I know I'll never again feel this positive with so much external validation.  One person commented that I was not recognisable from behind, my walk is even different.
- I went out with my husband Saturday in a dress and heels and felt amazing, truly
- my collarbone is gorgeous!
- I really don't know if I've been this small since being a grown-up.  Maybe I remember being excited about fitting a 14, could that have been at the time of my wedding? That was my slimmest but I feel slimmer now.
- Floors are hard to sit on without all that padding
- My feet don't hurt.  I have been limited to good comfy shoes for years but now they just plain don't hurt.  It means I can wear fancy shoes again!
- My 5k time improved on my second race.  There was less of me, bound to be part of it.
- My legs cross easier, they "fit" now
- Do I snore less?
- My cycle appears to now be 28 days (vs 35 for years).  Could it be that this weight-loss could have been an alternative to the IVF?
- I run.  That alone is so huge!
- So much more confidence. Not sure where this comes from, I hope not vanity! Regardless I know that I have lost self-consciousness that I now know what haunting me, keeping me from doing so much.
- Energy. So.Much.More.Energy. Cannot overstate this. I feel fabulous and can go go go until I sleep. Lethargy is gone.
- Fun. I have and feel more fun. Fabulous!

(I sense I may be irritatingly chipper!)