Rules to Live By

I will try to keep this page up-to-date with the things I find are keeping me successful on my weight-loss & fitness journey (or is it a mission? Definitely a bit of an adventure given the unknown nature of the destination!)

1. Track, track, track. I am using the WeightWatchers PointsPlus plan and this involves tracking food and using their points system. I track obsessively, I pre-track so that I think about the effect my food will have on my day before I eat it, I track everything, I track as much of my day as possible in the morning so there are fewer surprises (including planning for likely treats). WeightWatchers or not, I need to be accountable for what I eat!

2. Get up. Off the couch, the chair, the floor, wherever! Move more. I cannot believe how quickly this got easier. Less weight to shift was no doubt a huge part of the improvement. But also the fact that I got fitter and that made moving easier and more appealing so for once in my life I was in a "beneficial circle" rather than a viscious circle!

3. Set goals. I still have not hit my weight goal but having mini-goals along the way was a huge help because I got to experience a huge sense of accomplishment at regular intervals which totally motivated me. I had the 5%, 10% goals with WW but also every 5lbs was a victory and each 10lbs mark was even more exciting. Alongside I had my running goals. Running my first 5k, actually doing the race was a great thing to work towards and accomplish. But just as wonderful were the successes along the way. I remember running my first 20 minutes without stopping, I was ELATED, there is no way to overstate how emotional that was. And then to continue and pass the finishline of my first 5k, I cried.

4. Bring snacks. This seems silly next to the other 'rules' but it's become very important to me. It's the whole Scout thing: be prepared. Come armed. Whatever you want to call it, don't get caught without something healthy, or at least not-awful, to eat. On WW the point-allocation system gives a nice quick measure and I'm sure calorie-counting is similar: if you are out and stuck for food and like me, you will need the food now. In my old pre-health world I'd have grabbed something at Starbucks but now that I actually compare the nutritional values I know that all their snacks are equivalent to what I eat for lunch most days! So I try to always leave the house armed with some veggies, a light Babybel cheese wheel or some other protein, fruit, and a fruit or granola bar that I know isn't too bad. Prepared. It's all about preparation, is it? Maybe.

5. Celebrate the victories and keep track. I have a little journal of successes and reasons why. Literally just a couple words on each page either making note of why this is important to me OR what I've accomplished so that I can at any time be reminded of how important my health is to me AND how well I am doing on my journey. I have my race bibs on the wall, I have a colourful 'thermometer'-style drawing of my weight-loss as if it were a charity drive. Keep the motivation by keeping the reminders positive and visible.