Tuesday 24 January 2012


I have received such warmth and support in response to the 'new me' from people in my home-life, at work, and even acquaintances. Their willingness to share their reactions with me - surprise ("You look so different!"), puzzlement ("Have you lost weight?!"), amazement ("How much?!").

My dad described in an email how he didn't recognise me:
when I walked into the school, there were 3 women talking in the lobby, I looked at all three and proceeded to walk right by them heading to Robbie’s room when one of these women said hello.  I didn’t recognize her at all for a moment, until she smiled.  I think I would have walked right by and not even have seen her if she hadn’t stopped me.  She was dressed very stylish, had on makeup, including lipstick, looked lithe and poised, even seemed taller and had a different posture.

My cousin kindly commented in a group email after a family get-together:
I also want to see if anyone noticed that approximately 1/2 of Lisa was
"missing", that's an impressive transformation.

One colleague said I was unrecognisable from behind, even my walk was different. My family thinks I'm thinner AND taller. Another colleague congratulated me with a card and gift having recognised the extent of my achievement. And yet another has been my cheerleader and comfort on almost a daily basis.

My family have been an invaluable support. Especially those in my house allowing me to cook us new and sometimes "interesting" food, no longer cooking some of our less-than-healthy favourites, and making time for me to fit in my running no matter the inconvenience.

So the point of this rambling is in part just to serve as a memory bank for me. But more importantly it is an opportunity for me to express how grateful I am for this support and encouragement. It has aided my efforts, buoyed my resolve, and boosted my feelings of success which I believe will all be key to maintaining my new-found self.

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