Tuesday 24 January 2012

Warning: Slippery Surface!

I have discovered this week how very VERY easy it would be to slip into old habits with only the slightest change of focus.

I went out on Saturday night with a couple of girlfriends - a very rare occasion in my world of little kids and work. We had a great time: lots and lots of laughs, some wine, some yummy food. Well the laughs are free, maybe even Activity Points when they get really big. But the wine and food were certainly not free. I was reasonable, I recorded my points, I left some food on my plate.

For me that isn't my concern. What surprised me was how easy it was to get distracted and eat more than I intended. How I could so easily have drank more than expected. I was caught up in the conversation and enjoying myself. I then returned to old habits of eating and drinking without being mindful. Here's the crux of the matter. Since starting WW and succeeding on my journey, I have been very mindful of what I'm eating both before choosing to eat it and during the meal.

The change is significant for me. I am an eater. If left to my own devices, I will eat whenever I am presented with something I even 'sort of' like. I will seek out food when bored, tired, uncomfortable, happy, or when I'm hungry. Hunger is not a necessary state for me to reach for food.

Now that I am being mindful, I think ahead about when I will need to eat and what would be a good choice. I think about quantity and decide ahead of time how much to have. This is intentional because I know if I don't pay attention, I will keep eating long after I am satisfied physically and mentally. I will make unwise choices and even end up eating without really making the choice, just on auto-pilot.

Well I saw a glimpse of these old tendencies on Saturday night. I didn't do too badly. And I am strong enough now to know that I don't have to abandon my entire endeavour just because of one "slip". And I will now learn from it:
- I am still likely to keep eating
- I must remain mindful of what I am going to eat
- I must plan ahead, visualise, be prepared so that I don't set myself up to overeat
- I know that when in a busy situation I need to pause when my food arrives and be mindful

I guess I am better than I used to be since I realised before polishing my plate. And I've learned my lesson: I had an upset stomach from overeating and have maybe not done as well this week because of the indulgence.

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